Let’s talk.

Our grief needs to be witnessed. I am here to see you, your grief, your beauty, and hold you in a container of love. Grief Walking sessions are approximately 50 minutes. Sessions are a “mixed bag”. We take the time to connect on a deep (soul) level where I listen/witness you as you are. From there I may offer some somatic practice, breath practice, or grief practices to help support you. We look at your grief and how it needs to be seen, find ritual, and create meaning. There is no rush or pressure for us to be somewhere or fix anything. You are not broken. I will never be tired of your grief.


How many sessions should I book?

First off, there is no timeline to grief. There is no persciption or completion for your grief. I recommend that we have at least a few sessions together to give the relationship some time. Some folks like to meet weekly or biweekly. Some people choose to work with me for several months and others as needed.

How should I prepare?

There is not much you need to do besides show up. Give yourself privacy in your home. If you live with someone else, let them know you’ll be unavailable for about an hour. Let yourself be comfortable. You might want something to write with or a warm drink to have next to you.

When should I consider having a session?

It’s never to soon or to late to talk about loss. You might be dealing with anticipatory grief from a terminal illness (from you or someone in your life) that you want support for. You might need to look at grief from a loss many years old. Maybe you want to work to create ritual / ceremony / meaning. If you’re here, something tugged on your heart. We grief the loss of what we love and I’ll always be supportive to whatever that might be.

Can I gift a session for a friend?

Of course! Thanks for thinking about a loved one. Please though, do not be attached to whether or not they use the session(s). They might hold onto it for awhile before using it. *I can not give refunds for gifted sessions