Being Held Institute - Foundations // a training on death & grief

Our Pillars

  • Grief

    It starts with our understanding of grief and how we relate to our own grief. We look at our own lives so we can sit with folks in deep suffering without getting in the way.

  • Death

    Then we move into the world of death and dying first by creating a space that embraces a death positive culture. We will investigate our own mortality to help find meaning. And eventually what it means to truly hold space for the dying as we sit bedtime with folks who are terminally ill.

  • Spirit

    Everything we do is filtered through our own lived unique spiritual lives. The heart of this training is service and love.

Being Held - Foundations

Being Held Foundations is our core training and deep initiation into the doula work for death and grief. We will look at death and grief through the eyes of our own grounded spiritual practice that includes things like contemplation, journaling/writing, group discussion, reading, satsang, ritual, movement, and more. This is an educational, experimental, and experiential program that will will nourish your spiritual development and set the foundation of your journey into the mystery.

Death, dying, grief. Repeat these words out loud.

Have you been feeling the tug at the strings on your heart to explore end of life compassionate care? Have you been leaning into what others seem to shy away from? Are you longing to be an avenue of support during and after some of the most challenging times in peoples lives?

When we live, we die.

When we love, we grieve.

This unique training comes from my years of deep grounded spiritual practice, being in the presence of death and dying, holding sacred space for the grieving, and ultimately having a tender heart towards service.

Is this for you?

I like to say, if you’ve made it this far, this training most certainly can be for you. Most people stopped reading all the way on the top when they see the words death and grief. If you’ve been called to explore this work, there is an undeniable pull that others won’t ever understand. You get it. You have seen and felt heart break, you’ve been through the fire or perhaps you’re walking thru that portal now.

Do you want to be more comfortable talking about death, dying, and grief? Do you want to serve your community, friends, or family during the hardest times? Do you want to honor a beloved in your life who has died? Do you want to extend your tools/knowledge base?

Really, this training should be for everybody, but we have to start somewhere. You are on the front lines of a changing world where we can embrace those who are grieving and pioneer a death positive future. I truly believe there is something in this training for everyone and I hope you join us for what I know can change your life and help serve the people around you.

This is for, but not limited to death doulas, end of life workers, nurses, therapists, community leaders, teachers, influencers, yogis, servants, grieving lovers, musicians, radical thinkers, heart healers, love walkers, real people, punks, creative minds, curious thinkers, poets, singers, earth walkers, dying folks, elders, youngsters, widows, accountants, healers, wounded people, meditators, sufis, bhaktis, fighters, and more.

This cohort will be limited to no more than 16 people.*

This will be a hybrid training both online and in person at a private location in New Jersey. For those interested in doing this training remotely, we will be able to accommodate.

What does this training include?

Eight 90 minute group sessions with Matthew or staff

Four 60 minute office hours

Two 60-90 minute special guest speakers/teacher sessions

One 60 minute private session with Matthew

One 30 minute check in session with Matthew

Mentorship/Support from previous BHI Graduates

Bonus practice video content

Access to discussion board

Being Held Foundations Certification upon completion


Group sessions will be held Thursdays nights at 7pm est, 3pm pst.

We are currently taking applications for the next round. Expected start will be end of 2023

Office hours will be Sunday at 1pm est, 10am pst

This semesters training will span three months and the schedule is subject to change. All sessions will be recorded and uploaded for you to access.*


Our tuition will be only $1200. We have 2 scholarships AND payment plans available. Please email us for more information.

Completion of all sessions plus final project, to be discussed with each student, required for certification of completion and listing on our school.*